
Puzzled about integrating AI into your Business?

We can help!

Decades of AI Experience

Our team of experts have over 40 years of experience working with businesses to automate processes and integrate AI solutions into your business

We know business

Our core team has been running small businesses for over 20 years. We know your needs and your concerns. If AI doesn’t help your business grow – you don’t need AI, it’s that simple.


GunderFish LLC provides you with advanced data analytics, predictive modeling, and systems integration services. Whether you need to make sense out of gigabytes of raw data, understand the distributions and potential biases of your processes, or know ahead of time what to expect, we have you covered. Our analytics team is led by an experienced, PhD level expert in data analytics and predictive modeling who has been delivering solutions to State and Local Clients since 2003.

Businesses like yours are awash in data, frequently far too much to manage or to leverage. If that data could only be transformed in clear, usable information the impact on your business could be significant. But your team is busy running your business – so who has the time and expertise?

GunderFish specializes in analyzing your needs and designing intelligent solutions, merging the best of human intelligence with the raw power of machine intelligence to produce a hybrid solution that is unique to your needs.

Welcome to GunderFish: Data Science and AI solutions for Business

Businesses exist in a sea of data and generate more every day. But they are often also buried under legacy processes, software systems that can’t talk to each other, and find them selves unable to leverage the value of the data they have at hand.

Our Experience

With over 20 years experience in artificial intelligence and business operations, we know how to craft intelligent automated agents to improve your business processes. Our team includes multiple PhDs and business experts that work with you to determine what makes the most sense for your business. Once we help you assess what is needed, we have the teams to develop and deploy and maintain those solutions.

Our Approach

While technical capabilities and experience are critical, a successful client solution requires more. In a dynamic world, needs and requirements can change and change quickly. Our approach is based on providing agile processes to help the client better understand their needs, identify when those needs are changing, and better adapt to the changing world. The days of top-down, waterfall model approaches to software and analytic solutions is past. This is especially true with sophisticated data analytics. Often, the early exploration of the data will uncover unexpected patterns that can change the needs and goals of the client. We excel at being able to quickly adapt to the your changing needs and provide updated solutions.

We have also adapted to the realities of modern collaboration. Over the last several years we have become proficient at working with clients remotely. As everyone has found out, there can be challenges working closely with clients over remote connections, but our track record clearly demonstrates that we have mastered the art of remote collaboration. We work to meet our client’s needs and preferences in order to provide the most benefit for your team.

Our service includes a comprehensive consultation to help identify gaps and opportunities, a complete report that includes a project plan with time lines and milestones, a cost analysis, and a schedule. We also offer a suite of quality products that will help you get there quickly and smoothly. That’s how we ensure your success.

Whether it is a new AI ’employee’ or a predictive modeling suite that helps you guide your business forward, GunderFish is here to help you succeed.

Why Us?

You can not afford to trust your business to  anyone but a professional team. Too much depends on getting the right solution, and getting it done right.

As business and management consultants, we know artificial intelligence technology and we know how to leverage predictive analytics for your business. That is a combination that you do not see everyday. So put us to work bringing your business into the 21st century.